Monday, October 12, 2009

Not So Inspiring First Words

Last week I had lunch with a dear friend of mine, a fellow blogger, who is also fairly new to the blogging scene. I've been so impressed with her writings. I hoped to gain valuable insight into her "process". How does she decide what to write about? I was shocked by her response - "I write about what inspires me." Of course! It's so simple. I expected to rush home and begin writing right away. I mean, my life is filled with inspiration. I have a loving husband, two handsome little boys, a beautiful home, healthy parents, four siblings with wonderful spouses and adorable children, lots of friends... Most importantly, I have JESUS.
As soon as I got home, I sat at my computer prepared for the words to just pour out of me. But nothing came. I was so disappointed. I am so blessed. Surely I can come up with SOMETHING to write about. But no. Nothing came to me. And still nothing has come to me, even after I've racked my brain all weekend.
Bound and determined to post my first blog, I just sat down and started typing. So this is it ~ my first blog. It is not very inspiring, I know. I'm hoping that writing this uninspiring post is the first step in overcoming my initial case of "blogger's block".
We shall see....


ARAD said...

I'm the first to comment! Wait a minute...all I rank is an ol' "wonderful spouses" mention? How about "I have......a wonderful and adorable brother-in-law named Anthony....???

Just kidding.....just kidding...... :)

So, here's a thought......
check the link. From reading your post, you're trying to write in a style similar to another mommy poster that I've read (and enjoyed) on occasion. This blogger was an ardent feminist atheist, who converted to Christianity. I've linked her "why" blog post. I think you could draw inspiration from her story (she's a stay at home mommy). Please check out various posts. Many deal with her life, her fears, her family and her religion. say that you have Jesus. What does that mean? I don't mean this as a challenge, but as a way to ask you to write about what you think. That'll probably be one or 2 posts, just by itself. What does it mean to have Jesus? If one can have Jesus, can one "lose" Jesus? And if so, what does that mean? Answering this could start a small debate, which would also be fun to begin your blogging adventure.

Yours in Christ,


Unknown said...

Way to go Marci! I look forward to your future posts, you are very brave to take on a blog. I get lots of inspiration everyday, but can't quite get it into words sometimes. Good luck!